mardi 10 juillet 2012


So far, I've lived many experiences in Ottawa. One that has actually marked me is when I went to the Imax Theater with school to watch a 3D movie for the first time. I thought it was very impressive. We saw a movie called Arctic. It explained how polar bears had to live with the consequences caused by global-warming on North Pole with the temperature rising and all the ice melting. We also saw how a polar family (a mom and her two cubs) had to constantly move from an area to another to be able to find food and in order to escape from predators such as male polar bears.

One thing I particularly liked about the movie was the special effects (the 3D effect to be specific). I liked the fact that we had the impression that elements from the screen appeared to be close and «touchable». People were waving their hands to the screen and were trying to capture the elements.

In brief, I think that this activity was pretty interesting for all of us and that it gave us the opportunity to socialize.


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