lundi 30 juillet 2012


Last friday (July 6th), we went to the Museum of Civilization in Gatineau. There I saw multiple monuments linked with Canada’s past such as some Totem from the Natives, some paintings and statues of important personalities that have affected Canada’s history and information about how people in Canada used to live. I also played a game about religion: a lady was asking me questions related to the different religions that are present in Canada and sadly, I got them all wrong. There was also information at the museum about other civilizations such as the Mayans. I wish I could have seen more but we didn’t have lot of time.

Beside this, I had two questions that I had to ask which were: « What is particular with Yellowknife’s Wildcat Cafe? » and « What are the 6 natives’ houses? ». However, I couldn’t answer my questions because like I said, we didn’t have much time.


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