lundi 30 juillet 2012


I did many activities in the past three weeks. One that I particularly liked is the Rock Climbing Altitude Gym that I did on July 11th. At this activity, I went to a rock climbing center in Gatineau to (obviously) climb on climbing installations (you don’t say!).

There were lots of installations of different kind: some normal one, others that look like military training (with ropes and ladder), some with different and weird grip (pipes, holes, hooks, etc.) and one that took place in a dark room in which we couldn’t see a thing. All those installations were very fun and interesting, but one that I have particularly liked was the one with the moving grips: The grips were related to one another and each time one of them was moved, all the others near this grip move too which has make my way up very difficult. I think that this installation was the only one I didn’t manage to complete.

In brief, I really enjoyed my experience at the rock climbing activity. Personally, I think that it was very exciting, thrilling and exalting. It’s the kind of activity that makes you push your limits and fight your fears. I recommend it to anyone who wants and is not afraid of challenges.


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